- 2014 Tidligere borgmester i Aalborg, Henning G Jensen
1996 Tidligere borgmester i Aalborg Kaj Kjær (se nedenfor)
Ved Dansk Amerikansk Klubs Garden-party i 1996 i Præsident Egon Østergårds have, udnævnte Mayors Club Aalborgs Borgmester Kaj Kjær til æresmedlem af vor Club med et certifikat med følgende ordlyd:
“Honorary membership certificate”
The honorable Mayor of Aalborg has always been, and is an inspiration to all Mayors for a Day.
Danish-American Mayors Club
is proud to bestow upon
Kaj Kjær
Honorary lifetime membership of our Club.
In acknowledgement and thanks for your support we dedicate July third as Kaj Kjærs day off to be celebrated by flying Danish and American flags all over Aalborg
Aalborg, July second 1996
Stella Jensen Tom Paulsen Bent Lernø